Sunday, October 18, 2009

Work update

Well, I have survived. I survived the tedious week of orientation, the two days that I spent hours on the computer, and 6 days orienting to day shift. Tomorrow I start a new journey. It is called graveyard. I have never worked a graveyard shift and I am starting to get a little nervous. I have been trying to stay up as late as possible these past two nights to try to adjust, but I only made it to 2:30 am. Tonight I am going to ride with Chris and try to stay up even later. Hopefully I don't completely die my first night working. I still have about 10 days left to orient to neuro before I get cut loose. I am starting to really enjoy my job and getting my first paycheck definitely made it all worth it! I think nights will be a great place for me to start off as a new nurse because they should be a little bit slower than the hustle and bustle of days and I should be able to ask a lot of questions when they arise.

Nothing else has really been new here in the Krieger household. Chris and I are trying to figure out where our next vacation will be. We have some free ticket vouchers that we received when we volunteered to take a later flight out to North Carolina this past July. We also think this will probably be out last "hurrah" before we have kids. The good news is that with my work pattern, I will only have to take 2 days off from work and be able to have 1o days off in a row. My work schedule will be (once I am on my own) Sunday and Monday night and then Saturday through Tuesday. This will rotate back and forth so I will work 2 days, have 4 days off, work 4 days, and have 4 days off. Not too shabby. Anyway, we are thinking about taking a vacation in February or March which will be right when we are about to have a nervous breakdown from the rainy Oregon weather. We were thinking it would be really easy to go to Hawaii but then again we have already been to Hawaii and would love to try someplace new like Tahiti or Fiji. Hawaii would be much much cheaper but guess what? I'm a nurse now! Yesss!!!

Chris and I did just celebrate our 3 year anniversary as well. I had to work that day and the next so we just went to our usual anniversary spot ( Outback) and had a nice evening together. Unfortunately the service at Outback was unusually crappy and I was just getting over a terrible cold so I couldn't taste much of the food. My taste was really off because the Coke tasted like Diet to me, even after they brought me a new glass. I just ended up drinking water instead. We are planning on going over to Bend this week for a few days to celebrate as well. My parents agreed to let us stay in their condo in Sunriver which will be nice. We will probably hit up the outlet mall and just spend a few days relaxing.

1 comment:

dgray72680 said...

It's time again for an update!